The words I want to say to express my feelings on this piece do not exist. Seriously. There is just so much variety, so many effects, so much traveling around - I can tell without your lengthy exposition that you put in a lot of hard work into this. IMHO, this deserves at 5/5 from me.
Just a little bit of technical opinion though - At 100%, I did still get some clipping that results in some distortion. It's a personal preference of mine to listen to awesome music at 100% even if most people keep their master at or around 60%. You really shouldn't be afraid of the hard limiter during mastering, while some algorithms are notoriously deficient, others really don't degrade your sound that much. I use Audacity when mastering my music, and I always start off with a hard limit down to -5 or -6db to smooth out the spikes so that I don't wind up with clipping after I compress, equalize and/or normalize. Just don't do it after you compress. Alternately, you can make sure when you're rendering to jack up your master to 100% and keep the peak at about -5 or -6db, then you won't need to hard limit at all. Hope that helps!